Saturday, December 13, 2008

Seraphim... a good word. This is one of my most recent prints that was inspired by a poem by Charles Simic.

Painters of Angels and Seraphim
After a long lunch of roast lamb
And many heavy glasses of heavy red wine,
I fell asleep in a rowboat
That I never got around to untie
From its mooring under the willows
That went on fussing over my head
As if to make my shade even deeper.

I woke once to pull my shirt off,
And once when I heard my name
Called by a woman, distant and worried,
Since it was past sundown,
The water reflecting the dark hills,
And the sky of that chill blue
That used to signify a state of grace.

-Charles Simic


Mary Lou said...

love,love it!

Lauren Castillo said...

Really beautiful piece -- great palette! said...

yeah i love the composition and his gesture is perfect. really nice!

Axelphoto said...

beautiful image. Brian got me into Simic a number of years ago- i really love that poem.

maybe you could illustrate more poems?

PS. went to the Bust Craftacular Craft Fair last weekend with the girlfriend and wanted you to know that there were a LOT of printmakers there- and 90% of them sucked, but people were still buying them. so my suggestion for the new year is maybe look into getting a booth at craft fairs? it's be a great way to advertise and also get your stuff out there- i know i'd buy stuff from you!

Enchanted Royals said...

sooooo now that our blog (enchantedroyals) seems to actually be happening a bit, we put you on our links bar fyi. Also, I believe you've heard about/helped steer the ship in the right direction in terms of my Gift of Moomin this year. Excitement abounds! Think i'll see you new years eve! have a great xmas.......