Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Slowly but surely...

I'm getting there. I'm still fussing with my little press to get it printing the way I want it. Remember this:

...the type that was set by the previous owner in the 50's? Well I got it to print evenly, although not quite as perfectly as I would have liked:

It's a labor of love. I will update with my beautiful results when I have them.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

I can't believe how quickly Christmas always goes by! I hope everyone had a wonderful day. This is a little snippit of a commissioned portrait I did before Christmas. In the rush of trying to get it done in time, I actually forgot to scan the finished product, so all I have is the sketch. Oh well. I hope the recipient was pleased.

Jess and I also did a gift swap. A bun for a bun. I gave her my Jack Rabbit for her to give to her mother, and I got one of her little fat bunny paintings to give to my little fat nephew.

Saturday, December 13, 2008


...is a good word. This is one of my most recent prints that was inspired by a poem by Charles Simic.

Painters of Angels and Seraphim
After a long lunch of roast lamb
And many heavy glasses of heavy red wine,
I fell asleep in a rowboat
That I never got around to untie
From its mooring under the willows
That went on fussing over my head
As if to make my shade even deeper.

I woke once to pull my shirt off,
And once when I heard my name
Called by a woman, distant and worried,
Since it was past sundown,
The water reflecting the dark hills,
And the sky of that chill blue
That used to signify a state of grace.

-Charles Simic

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Where did the time go?

Hello and thank you to everyone who went to the Massart sale. I had a good turnover of artwork that will definitely help me through the holiday season, so thanks!

I have a few different projects going on right now and some new artwork piling up on my desk, but for now I will just share another sketch from my ongoing little series:

...and also the newest little addition in my family as of December 6th, my new nephew George:

Monday, December 1, 2008


Today is the first day of the MassArt Holiday Sale. To your right you will see some samples of work I have there. The sale is up through the end of the week and is open everyday from 10-7 in the Tower Building Lobby.

It's always a great place to get unique gifts and see some great artwork at reasonable prices. You can read a little more about it in the Weekly Dig

K. Thanks.