Today was a day of learning interesting/strange things about a few different illustrators that I love.
Number 1
I can't believe I have never heard of
Chihiro Iwasaki before. Julia just clued me in on this amazing Japanese illustrator who has illustrated dozens of books and even has two museums dedicated to her in Japan.

I feel like I've been missing out on inspiration.
Number 2
I just found out that one of my favorite illustrators,
Evaline Ness, was married to the legendary
Eliot Ness, leader of the Untouchables and adversary of Al Capone and prohibition in Chicago in the 20's and 30's.
OK. I realize they have the same last name, but still.
Number 3
So I didn't realize that Harry Horse died last year. He's been coming out with more books than ever, so I never would have guessed. The details surrounding his death shocked and horrified me and left me with a feeling-not-well-placed. I can't even write it here,
so I'll just link it.I realize that by writing this, I'm showing how out of date I am. So be it.