Friday, November 16, 2007

birds, birds, birds (or I'm in love with a dead man)

One of the commisions I'm working on right now is of two birds. I'm taking a quick break from drawing to conduct a little ode to Leonard Baskin, who is easily one of my favorite artists. Here are some photos of me reading his book, Hosie's Aviary:

On further investigation of this book, which I recently bought from abebooks, I noticed that I may have some how been subliminaly influenced by Baskin's bird paintings even before I ever even saw them. Here is a side by side of the cover with a print of an Ibis that I did a few months ago:


oh well, in a way, i'm proud of myself.

Here are some more pictures that cause butterflies in my brain.

Wait, in case you need a close up of that last one...

basking in the baskin....

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